The wrist is a popular spot for tattoos, thanks to its visibility and the potential for dainty, meaningful designs. However, given its proximity to bones and tendons, many wonder about the pain involved. Numbing creams often emerge as a solution for those concerned about discomfort. But do they work for wrist tattoos? Let's unravel the mystery.

The Wrist Tattoo: Why The Concern?

Bony Areas: The wrist, like other bony areas such as the ankles and ribs, tends to be more sensitive to tattooing. The lack of a thick muscular or fatty cushion means the sensations can be more pronounced.


Tenderness: The skin on the wrist is relatively thin, and there's a dense network of nerves. It's no surprise, then, that some find wrist tattoos more uncomfortable than those on fleshy areas.

Numbing Cream: How Does It Work?

Numbing creams typically contain active ingredients like lidocaine or prilocaine. When applied to the skin, these agents block nerve signals, leading to a temporary loss of sensation in the treated area. It doesn't eliminate the feeling entirely, but it can make the tattooing process more bearable.

Pros and Cons of Using Numbing Cream


  • Reduced Pain: For those especially sensitive to pain or anxious about the process, numbing creams can make the experience less daunting.
  • Better Endurance: If you're looking at an intricate design that requires longer sessions, numbing creams can help you sit through without frequent breaks.


  • Incomplete Numbing: It's crucial to set realistic expectations. Numbing creams reduce discomfort but don't guarantee a completely pain-free experience.
  • Potential Skin Reactions: Some individuals might experience reactions like redness, itching, or minor swelling. Always conduct a patch test before the full application.
  • Influence on Skin Texture: In rare cases, the cream might alter the skin's texture temporarily, potentially affecting the ease of ink application.

Should You Use Numbing Cream for Your Wrist Tattoo?

Personal Preference: It boils down to individual pain tolerance and personal comfort. Some wear the pain as a badge of honour, while others prefer a more comfortable experience.

Consult Your Artist: Always discuss with your tattoo artist before using any numbing product. They can offer insights based on their experiences with other clients and might even have product recommendations.

A Personal Choice for Your Comfort

Numbing creams can indeed offer relief for those apprehensive about getting a wrist tattoo. However, it's vital to approach their use knowing all the facts and always under the guidance of your trusted tattoo artist.

At Celebrity Ink, our clients' comfort is paramount. Our team is equipped with the knowledge and experience to guide you through your tattoo journey, ensuring it's memorable for all the right reasons.